My motivation
Yes, why am I spending many evenings and weekends in the “cellar” atelier? Why am I so pleased when a collage is finally completed?
The motivation to do such extra work consists of many aspects: the pleasure of the person who receives it, the amazement and the appreciation of the visitors of my exhibitions. Yes, all beholders, also myself, obtain a new view onto the material, see the nature, get closer to it, and share the pleasure of success and the good time with me!
In my leisure time I have done several painting classes with schools, tackled the topics of recycling and nature along the way, the kids and youngsters are enthusiastic artists and keepers of the nature, their creative ideas just bubble out of them! Also this is motivation: feeling the inspiration, the pleasure of creating and succeeding!
The aim – what is behind
I carve out the details of the architecture respectively the nature of corrugated board, in order to bring it from its shadowy existence in daily life into bright light. We meet the materials paper, wood and corrugated board in thousands of things and facets, often only as a kind of packaging and accordingly unloved material to be disposed of. However, these materials belong to the most environmental friendly packagings of all times, as they are made of wood fibres and can be re-used up to seven times. So, recycling of paper and cardboard packaging has a valuable background – we preserve the nature and the forests.