
When I work with the pictures and collages in my atelier, spending many hours of concentrated, diligent work, e.g. as I am cutting corrugated board in very precise picture elements, there are many thoughts going through my head.

Where would humanity be without trees? They provide us with so many things for life:

Air with oxygen, food, accommodation, heating, recreation, colors, good climate and weather, and there are hundreds more, right?

Here is one of my favorite poems

I live my life in growing rings
That raise above the things.
I might not fulfill the last one,
But I will try.

Rainer Maria Rilke

Beautiful, isn’t it? I feel like the famous poet; I am inspired by the rings of the tree disks (and many other awesome things). They are wonderful signs of growing and passing, the cycle of seasons and life.

Humanity’s power to live would not exist without nature.

Good entertainment and lots of things to think about!