In my selection I have chosen a panorama view

An order about the state capital Munich 2019/20

As basis I used a picture out of Ludwig’s Church in southern direction to the Feldherrenallee up to the Alps. Only fall with its foehn offers Munich such a clear view into the mountains.

“A motif for all Munich-lovers has thus been found”

The planned picture is fixed on triplex corrugated board in the format 200cm x 100cm. All single faced board profiles with height x divison in the packaging industry are used in the picture. I try to begin my work with the Alps in the background. Only during the work on Munich’s panorama I realise which challenge that is. Continously the dimensions, proportions and perspectives for the stereo image need to be fathomed. What is more than 100 km in reality between Munich and the Alps is merely 6cm on board in the picture.

By painting in the picture, the simple and monotonous brown of the corrugated board disappears, it becomes colourful and lively in the three-dimensional. After about 220 working hours, the picture is impregnated and fitted with a VA sheet steel frame.

The artist has completed his temporally longest project and praises his kit material, corrugated board, for each kind.


The families, Christian and Lars Engel are happy with the present of the picture for their aunt Gerlinde for the “Angel for Children” foundation.