Organized by the director of the Edelsfeld primary school, Ms. Prohaska, this special handicraft and workshop lesson was a complete success.

Discovery tour paper and corrugated cardboard

The background: when I visited my exhibition at the Amberger Congress Center in spring 2014, Ms. Director Prohaska became aware of me. She asked if I would be interested in teaching the children further basic knowledge about paper and corrugated cardboard as part of their own craft and workshop course.

She had already scooped up paper with the children in the previous school year and had given them very good knowledge of this topic. This action caught my attention, so I gave my consent. After a while Ms. Director Prohaska had scheduled this three-hour course in autumn 2014 for children from 2nd to 4th grade.

First I explained the production of paper and corrugated cardboard based on my exhibition and sample pieces. Then the children were able to demonstrate their creativity and skill in the practical part. The flower and cowboy hats made of newsprint and corrugated cardboard were ready in a jiffy with the active help of the children and some participating parents. It was a lot of fun! Thank you Ms. Director!
